The ESKAY-Corey Property (“the Property) comprises several Au-Ag Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide (VMS), and gabbro-hosted magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE targets located in an area informally known as the “Golden Triangle”, one of the most important mineral districts in northwest British Columbia, Canada (Figure 1). Eskay Mining is one of the largest landowners in the Golden Triangle with 130,000 acres and is surrounded by some of the largest mining companies in the world.
The Property has been shown to host several VMS targets and has the potential to host nickel-copper massive sulphide and several occurrences of vein style mineralization. Main VMS target areas on the property include the SIB-Lulu, TV-Jeff, C10, GFJ, and Spearhead zones.
Results from comprehensive lithogeochemical sampling and detailed core logging of historic and new drill core on the property has allowed for the synthesis a new model of the tectonic architecture of the Eskay Mining District. A picture has now emerged of three anticlines, the central Eskay Anticline, the Eastern Anticline and the Western Anticline, wholly or partially underlying Eskay’s Property (Figure 2 and 3). Major west-dipping ramp-type thrust faults are associated with each anticline.
This new model suggests the flanks of each of these three anticlines are prospective for Eskay Creek-style VMS mineralization where favourable strata are exposed. Several newly recognized trends along these flanks are evident in recent BLEG, and multi-element geochemical anomalism

Figure 2: Airborne magnetic map of the property with major geologic structures. The locations of mineralized showings are marked by points, the names of structures are italicized.

Figure 3: Schematic showing proposed deformation history of mineralized Hazelton Group stratigraphy on Eskay Mining Corp. property. Late Jurassic and Tertiary intrusions have been omitted for clarity.